
Fee Structure

 According to G.O No.2877/Pra-Fhi-Ni-Sa / 2022,  Dated 23/06/2022 fee for Regular Courses [ Civil Engg (EPC), Electrical Engg (IC) ]

Regular Courses For Lateral  Entry New Admission Only Ist  Year IInd Year Final Year

Civil Engg. (Ist Shift)

Electrical Engg. (Ist Shift)

Head Fees Head Fees Head Fees Head Fees

14430 Tution Fee 14430 Tution Fee 14430 Tution Fee 14430
Boys Fund 4570 Boys Fund 4570 Boys Fund 4170 Boys Fund 4170
Board Examination Fee 840 Board Examination Fee 840 Board Examination Fee 840 Board Examination Fee 840
Insurance Fee 68 Insurance Fee 96 Insurance Fee 68 Insurance Fee 36
Total (Rs.) 19908 Total (Rs.) 19936 Total (Rs.) 19508 Total (Rs.) 19476

According  to G.O No. 5418/16-Pra.Shi-3-2010-12(B)/2002, Dated 03/12/2010 fee for Self Finance Scheme (SFS)  Fee for 2nd Shift         [ Civil Engg (EPC), Electrical Engg (IC) ] Electronics Engg(MCEA) Mechanical Engg (RAC), Computer Science & Engg.

Self Finance Courses  For Lateral  Entry New Admission Only Ist Year IInd Year Final Year
Head Fees Head Fees Head Fees Head Fees

Civil Engg. (IInd Shift),            Electrical Engg.   (IInd Shift),           Electronics Engg. (MCEA),       Mechanical Engg. (RAC),      Computer Science& Engg.

Tution Fee 21000 Tution Fee 21000 Tution Fee 21000 Tution Fee 21000
Boys Fund 4570 Boys Fund 4570 Boys Fund 4170 Boys Fund 4170
Board Examination Fee 840 Board Examination Fee 840 Board Examination Fee 840 Board Examination Fee 840
Insurance Fee 68 Insurance Fee 96 Insurance Fee 68 Insurance Fee 36
Total (Rs.) 26478 Total (Rs.) 26506 Total (Rs.) 26078 Total (Rs.) 26046

Fees can be deposited online through the  link given on Institute Website www.rbspolytechnic.com